Tixlegeek's Cool Kid's Badge pentesting toy (2024 EDITION!)

Hey! If you're here, you probably want to know more about LeHack 2023 2024's illegal badge: The Cool Kid's Badge, designed and produced by Tixlegeek, at the cyberpunk.company!
Here are some tips:
- ⌛ July 1st: The Cool Kid's Badges arrived from production!
- ⌛ June 3rd 2024: The Cool Kid's Badges Will be ready for LeHack2024! :D
- ⌛ June 20th: The Cool Kid's Badges won't be ready for Hack 2023 :-(
- ⚡ Hot Last developpement and production upgrade! \o/
- ⚡ News & upgrades
- 😎 Wanna grab a Cool Kid's Badge?
- About
- Production status
- Disclaimer
- Aquire a Cool Kid's Badge
- About me
- Join the discord!
Wanna grab a Cool Kid's Badge?
Please send a message to tixlegeek@cyberpunk.company, and let me know:
- Ways to communicate with you (email/twitter).
- Where and when you can get it! (At LeHack 2024? Via mail? (fr/eu only))
- Any useful information (how many?)
Please note that no payments should be made to anyone at this time. I will begin selling the badges only when I have a full-featured prototype, likely priced around 50€ (fully populated). Shipping costs will be your responsibility.
The cool kid's badge is an unofficial LeHack 2023 2024 electronic conference badge. Connect it to your Flipper Zero and unlock a world of hacking wonders. Not a Flipper owner? No problemo! Hook it up to an ESP32s3 chip and let your creativity soar.
The entire design is an original work by Tixlegeek, carefully crafted using open-source the softwares Inkscape and KiCad. (<3)
The design process took approximately a month year and a half, with the aim of creating a visually appealing hardware piece while incorporating various functionalities:
I2C/GPIO/LEDs/NFC tag/NRF24L01/...
This 2024 Version really is a standalone pentesting toy. It integrates various tools and stuff that makes it a really cool developpement plateform too!
Flipper-Zero prototyping board:
This badge can be connected to the extension port of a Flipper Zero. When connected, it adds an NRF24L01 as a 2.4GHz Radio module, which can be controlled by the dedicated FlipperZero apps (or your own apps). It also provides a way to attach an ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi µC to the Flipper, allowing you to develop your own WiFi pentesting toys. While the Marauder WiFi toolkit is available for exploration, please note that this part has not been fully tested due to time constraints.
ESP32s3 prototyping board:
Don't worry! This badge is standalone, and integrates everything you need to tinker without any flipper :)
Mifare Classic 1k token:
The badge is equipped to be used as a Mifare Classic 1K tag, with programmable UUID/Block0.
- New software with cool tools:
Focused on the exploration, i try to pack as many tools as i can into this new 2024 version.
Coolkids badges arrived!
The final revision just showed up in the mail! I'm still packaging them at this time. Here is a sneakPeak at what you'll get:

Production status
Things gets serious in 2024!

As many of you were interrested in my small project, i did not let things sink into an abyss, and the 2024 version of the Cool Kid's Badge is ready for production!
Developpement is actually live on twitch.tv/tixlegeek and gets really serious! You can be sure the Cool Kid's Badge will be out this year.

Prototypes have already been produced! A second attempt was made to fix the artwork and layout of the badge. On 05/22/2023, a fully functional prototype was put into production.
Here are some pictures of the first prototype, with messed-up artwork:

1 July 2024: The coolKid'sBadge just came back from production!
Hi! I'm thrilled to announce that the CoolKidsBadges just arrived from production! I'm packaging them as i'm writing this. Don't forget to send me an email if you want to grab a CoolKidsBadge at LeHack2024 :D (i'll be in paris for approximately a week)
3 June 2024: The Cool Kid's Badge Will be ready!
Greetings again! It's been a year since i didn't updatede this page, but the work continues!
With a complete remastering of the original concept, i'm happy to announce you that the 2024 : The Cool Kid's Badges will be ready and fancy!
- New design: made live on twitch, this new design should look sharper and cooler, for even cooler kids!
- New Electronics: The inner guts of the Cool Kid's Badge have been entierly rethinked to be more reliable, more powerfull, and offer new tools!
- New PCB design: Wider and sharper, with more space for interresting things to happen :D
- New Software: On the ashes of the things i did last year, a new software has emerged!
In a nutshell, i had more time and more ressources to make the new Cool Kid's Badge 2024 happen, and i tryed to make things as neat and interresting for hackers, tinkerers, and all cool kids out there :D
Don't forget to checkout the lives where i make this happen until the last day :D
June 20th: The Cool Kid's Badges won't be ready for Hack 2023 :-(
It's with a heavy heart that I'm writing this message to you. Despite all my efforts, we have reached a point where the badges simply won't be ready for Hack 2023, no matter what happens.
How did this happen?
The problem lies in the production and delivery time of the PCBs.
I had 3 prototypes made, and each of them has its flaws, more or less significant:
- The visual quality is poor. The complexity of the artwork and the manufacturing process are responsible for that, and the third prototype is getting closer to the desired result. I still need to address some details.
- I made errors during the production verification, resulting in prototypes that are not up to par and require complex manual corrections.
Each iteration takes about 10 days to produce and deliver. Today is June 20th, which makes it impossible to have a final prototype ready in time for Hack.
Where are the badges at?
Except for the PCB/Assembly, which is the weak point, the badge is functional. And that's actually what frustrates me the most in this story!
For those who follow me on Twitter/Discord, I've shown part of the progress. The code for the ESP32 is complete and tested, the code for the FlipperZero application is well underway but needs some adjustments. The components have arrived, and manual assembly of certain elements is ready.
Tested and Functional Features:
- NFC Tag: The integrated NFC tags have been tested and programmed.
- ESP32: The ESP32 has been programmed, the code is clean, and everything is functioning as expected. I will soon test and customize the Marauder firmware.
- NRF24L01: It works. I've been able to perform some attacks using the tools available in the RogueMaster firmware and verify its proper functioning.
- FlipperZero: Almost functional. The code is a bit more complex, and I want to ensure it's clean and well-organized.
The documentation is almost ready. I'm waiting for some final details to add the finishing touches.
Remaining Tasks:
- Create a new prototype and verify its functionality and appearance.
- Finish the FlipperZero application.
- Add and test third-party features (Marauder, GPIO/COM Applications).
What's next?
I will continue to work hard to deliver a functional, well-finished, and usable product. I know that this announcement is a big disappointment for some of you, and I assure you that I've done everything I can to meet the Hack's deadlines. I have invested a tremendous amount of time, resources, and passion, even reaching out to my most skilled friends in various aspects of creating this badge.
Whether you choose to maintain your interest in this project or not, the badge will see the light of day. However, I will never provide something half-functional or compromised by production. I just need a little more time to create something satisfying!
Regardless of your decision, I want to thank all those who have shown interest in the Cool Kid's Badge! And to those who decide to wait a little longer and receive it later, well, thank you already. You are amazing individuals. I commit to keeping you informed of the progress, as I have been doing since the beginning, and working hard to deliver a beautiful, finished, functional, and ultra-stylish badge!

June 11th: New production batch, and developpement
For approximately two weeks, I worked on upgrading the electronics of the badge, and it was sent for production on June 6th. While waiting for the production process to complete, I am currently focusing on developing the base firmware for the badge. The firmware now incorporates an httpServer, enabling users to configure settings and perform firmware upgrades directly via OTA
I dedicated considerable effort to designing a visually appealing UI that not only looks cool but also fits within the limited memory constraints of the badge alongside other functionalities!
UX demo:
Tested firmware upgrade:
Now, I am currently working on the WiFi aspect and will soon address the communication between the flipper and the badge as well.
Thank you all for the support. I hope this little project will bring satisfaction to each and every one of you!